white kitchen counter with sink different shades of colors for window blinds

How to Choose the Right Color When Buying Blinds

Installing window blinds can greatly improve the look of your home. However, it can be challenging to determine which window shade colors are suitable for your particular needs. Choosing the right color can completely transform and tie a room together. Each color has a unique identity that will impact your space differently. So, what color …

close up image of white shutters against a window blinds in focus with a background blur of the outside world

Patio Door Blinds

Patio doors are a perfect way to bring natural light into your home and have expansive outside views. They are becoming a popular design feature in Arizona homes. While patio doors offer a wide range of benefits in your home, they often provide little privacy. Therefore, you’ll be required to choose the right window treatment that allows …

interior home living room with shutters Roller Shades

What is the Difference Between Solar & Roller Shades?

Roller and solar shades are among the most popular window treatment options, thanks to their modern, sleek look. However, so many people find it challenging to differentiate between the two. In some cases, you'll find the terms solar shades and roller shades used interchangeably. However, there is a huge difference between the two. Solar shades …